Friday, March 23, 2012

Situation Critical Fitness

Situation Critical Fitness

Have you been thinking about losing weight or found yourself looking in the mirror saying, "I need to lose few pounds?"  Have you been procrastinated on doing something about it?  Do you continue to do nothing about it?  Is your story that you just don't have time to make a suitable meal so you settle for fast food because it is quick?  I know exactly where you are coming from, because that was me.
Back in December of 2009, I was nearly pushing 250 lbs.  Some may say that 250 lbs. isn't bad, but being a diabetic and labeled as Obese on the BMI chart in the doctor's office, I can tell you that it was a crushing feeling and I had decided enough is enough, Again!!!  You know exactly what I mean.  I began watching, "The Biggest Loser" for tips.  I began looking at my mobile phone for calorie counting apps.  I went to Barnes & Nobles and bought up a few calorie count and diet books.  I even bought a workout DVD by Jillian Michaels.
I had set my goal to get to 200 lbs. by my birthday, which is the beginning of June.  I stayed true to my diet.  I learned that if you cheat on your diet, to plan it so that you are able to get back to your routine.  Example, if you know that you are going to have buffalo wings and a beer on Football Sunday, stay 100% true to your diet and workout the whole week leading up to that Sunday.  Enjoy your cheat, but be sensible about it.  Then on Monday, get right back to your routine.  See, what I learned, and have witnessed, is if you do not allow yourself to have fun, or if you completely take fun out of your day, you are setting yourself up for failure, which you might not be able to recover from.  We all skin our knees, but we need to get right back up and continue on.  Remember your goal is a better and healthier YOU!!!
By June, I had not only met my goal of 200 lbs., but I was able to get to 197 lbs.  I can't tell you the last time I had this kind of motivation, nor can I tell you the last time I was below 200 lbs.  I want to be able to pay this forward, along with making one of my life long dreams come true.  I want that wash board stomach!!!  With discovering, I believe it is possible.
Like I said my goal is a nice 6-pack, which in my prime I've only achieved a 4-pk with a small pooch.  I made the weight, now it is time for me to work on my "Situation!"  I'm bound and determined now!  I don't like to fail.  What can I say, I'm a sore loser!  So I founded Situation Critical Fitness as my way to pay forward what I learned, to help work on my situation and assist others with theirs, and through great fitness and diet, help you control the physical challenges and ailments in your lives.
Join me and countless others on a journey of success, fitness, financial security, and most imortantly, and better, healthier us!!!  God Bless!
If you would like to learn more, please feel free to contact me and I will help you in any way that I can.Follow My Journey
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