Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Fight Of Our Lives

The Fight of Our Lives: Knowing the Enemy, Speaking the Truth, and Choosing to Win the War Against Radical Islam

Book Blurb Since the dreadful events of September 11, 2001, America has waged an international war on terrorism. But as the fight continues, are we prepared to win or are we practicing surrender? There have been dozens of terrorist attacks and attempted attacks since 9/11, including the recently foiled Times Square bomber. But while the Fort Dix terrorists were stopped in their tracks, an Islamist terrorist at Fort Hood unleashed hell on American servicemen and their families, shooting 45 and killing nearly a third that. Despite Maj. Nidal Hasan's shouting "Allahu Akbar" as he pulled the trigger, the official Pentagon report refused to mention Islam or use the word Muslim. And said the army chief of staff, "As horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse." As William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn show, for lack of clarity, conviction, and determination, America is on the verge of declaring preemptive cultural surrender in the war on terror. The Fight of Our Liveswill reinvigorate the discussion, re frame the debate, challenge the quitters, and embolden those who wish to win the war on terror. ( taken from Amazon)

My Thoughts

The tenth year anniversary of  September 11th  has came and gone and as it approached I was reading  The Fight Of Our Lives  By William J Bennett and Seth Leibsohn. I have to admit I have had this book for some time now, as I found it hard to get through, not because it is a hard reading ( in the understanding sense) but  because I myself found that it was emotionally  hard to read do the the content. I must be honest, this book scared me a bit as it should.

Back before 9/11/2001 I was a naive 25 yr old right out of college  taking the world by storm, thinking that nothing would hurt me and  not the country that it the most powerful in the world, Then 9/11 happened and all hell broke lose. I knew for the last 10 years that we were fighting terrorist  but little did I know how much it as infiltrated our everyday lives. That was until I read  The Fight Of Our Lives.

I think that everyone should read A Fight For Our Lives  so that we all can be prepared for whatever may happen for the years to come.  We need to protect this great country from those who want to Harm us.

This Review was done for Book sneeze.

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