Thursday, August 18, 2011

Suzanne Lorente

Rivers Of Living Water with Suzanne Lorente

I received this music CD about a month ago. I had it sitting her when we went camping. So when we got home I listened to it while I was cleaning one day. Normally we listened to KLOVE threw the computer. Once in a while we will listen to music on the TV. I enjoyed listening to Suzanne, for me it was something different. Yes it was Christian Music, but it was more calming then up beat. I guess, we listen to more Contemporary Christian Music. This was more traditional, which is great. It reminded me of some church songs. Most of all when I started listening to this I was thinking of a couple of families at the church we attend. I allowed me to say a silent pray fro them. I am also going to give the CD to one of the gals in the bible study I attend. I think she would love to listen to this. Plus I know she will give me her thoughts on it too. Who knows maybe I'll let everyone know what she tells me. I think that I would definitely listen to her CD a few more times before I pass it on to the next person. I feel that books, movies, and music need to be shared with the people you love. Not just that you never know when you hand someone something that it might change the life of that person. Especially when it is  Christian Music or a Christian Book.

To find out more about Suzanne go to her web site

Thank you to Suzanne for sending me the CD and asking my honest opinion!

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